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stageⅢ結腸癌に対する術後補助化学療法としてのCapecitabine経口療法におけるリン酸ピリドキサールの手足症候群(Hand foot Syndrome)抑制効果
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Matsuyama R, Matsuo K, Mori R, Sugita M, Yamaguchi N, Kubota T, Kameda K, Mochizuki Y, Takagawa R, Kadokura T, Matsuda G, Kamiya N, Endo I: Incidental Gallbladder Cancer on Cholecystectomy: Strategy for Re-resection of Presumed Benign Diseases from a Retrospective Multicenter Study by the Yokohama Clinical Oncology Group. In Vivo, 35(2): 1217-1225, 2021.
Familial adenomatous polyp (FAP)の外科治療成績の検討
Hideaki Kimura, Hirokazu Suwa, Takuji Takahashi, Kazuteru Watanabe, Sadatoshi Sugae, Shuji Saito, Toru Kubota, Kazutaka Koganei, Akira Sugita, Shoichi Fujii, Mitsuyoshi Ota, Yasushi Ichikawa and Itaru Endo
Long-Term Outcomes After Colectomy in Patients With Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
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Yamamoto S, Narui K, Ishikawa T, Adachi S, Shimada K, Shimizu D, Yamada A, Sugae S, Tanabe M, Oba M, Morita S, Doi T, Hasegawa S, Morita T, Kito A, Chishima T, Ichikawa Y, Endo I; YOKOHAMA CLINCAL ONCOLOGY GROUP: First-line Gemcitabine Versus Treatment of Physician's Choice for Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study. Anticancer Res, 41(3): 1671-1676, 2021

Kosaka T, Akiyama H, Makino H, Kimura J, Takagawa R, Ono H, Kunisaki C, Endo I:Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherepy Among Patients with Pancreatic fistula after Gastrectomy for Advanced Gastric Cancer.Anticancer Resreach,36:1773-7,2016
2014年9月 Anticancer Res.34 に掲載
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Abdominal drainage may be a risk factor for surgical site infection following appendectomy.
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Kida K, Yamada A, Shimada K, Narui K, Sugae S, Shimizu D, Doi T, Oba M, Endo I, Ishikawa T; A prospective comparison study utilizing patient‑reported outcomes of taxane‑related peripheral neuropathy between nab‑paclitaxel and standard paclitaxel in patients with breast cancer(YCOG1012).Breast Cancer.Feb 2024. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12282-024-01551-z
A Phase I/II Study of NAC with Docetaxel, Cisplatin, and S-1 for Stage III Gastric Cancer.
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Watanabe K,Ishibe A,Watanabe J,Ota M,Fujii S,Ichikawa Y,Oba MS,Endo I;The Effect of TJ-28 (Eppikajutsuto)
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Sugita M, Endo I, Matsuyama R, Akiyama H, Takeda K, Kunisaki C: Perioperative Risk and Prognostic Factors for Pulmonary Thromboembolism Developing after Abdominal Surgery(YCOG1105 Study). 日本外科系連合学会誌, 46(5): 539-547,2021.
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直腸癌術後直腸膣瘻症例のretrospective study
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Predictive factors for bile leakage after hepatectomy for hepatic tumors: a retrospective multicenter study with 631 cases at Yokohama Clinical Oncology Group (YCOG).
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High-Mobility Group Box 1 expression predicts survival of patients after resection of adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater.
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Randomized phase II trial of the prophylactic use of celecoxib for the prevention of oxaliplatin-related peripheral vascular pain in Capeox(YCOG1205).
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A Comparative Study of Intravenous Injection Form and Oral Jelly Form of Alendronate Sodium Hydrate for Bone Mineral Disorder after Gastrectomy. Kunisaki C, Tanaka Y, Kosaka T, Miyamoto H, Sato S, Suematsu H, Yukawa N, Sato K, Izumisawa Y, Akiyama H, Taguri M, Yamanaka T, Endo I.
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The risk factors for urinary dysfunction after autonomic nerve-preserving rectal cancer surgery: a multicenter retrospective study at Yokohama Clinical Oncology Group (YCOG1307).
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Kakizoe M, Watanabe J, Goto K, Suwa Y, Nakagawa K, Suwa H, Ozawa M, Ishibe A, Ota M, Kunisaki C, Endo I: Identification of Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer in Whom Preoperative Radiotherapy Can Be Omitted: A Multicenter Retrospective Study at Yokohama Clinical Oncology Group (YCOG1307): J Anus Rectum Colon, 5(2): 173-180, 2021.
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Efficacy and safety of enoxaparin for preventing venous thromboembolic events after laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery: a randomized-controlled trial (YCOG 1404).
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A Phase II Study of Tri-weekly Low-dose Nab-paclitaxel Chemotherapy for Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer.
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Ohya H, Watanabe J, Suwa Y, Nakagawa K, Suwa H, Ozawa M, Ishibe A, Kunisaki C, Endo I: Comparison of the continuation and discontinuation of perioperative antiplatelet therapy in laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: A retrospective, multicenter, observational study (YCOG 1603). Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 2020;00:1–8.DOI: 10.1002/ags3.12387.
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Watanabe J, Suwa Y, Goto K, Nakagawa K, Ozawa M, Ishibe A, Suwa H, Kunisaki C, Endo I: Randomized controlled trial evaluating the efect of the use of a laparoscopic lens cleaning device during laparoscopic colorectal surgery on the multidimensional workload(YCOG1903). Surgical Endoscopy. 2023.Mar 9. doi:10.1007/s00464-023-09972-1.
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Takei S,Watanabe J,Ishibe A,Suwa Y,Nakagawa K,Ozawa M,Suwa H,Misumi T,Kunisaki C,Endo I: Study protocol: a multicenter randomized controlled trial to evaluate the length of hospital stay of intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis in laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer (CONNECT study). Int J Colorectal Dis. 2021 Feb 2. doi: 10.1007/s00384-021-03869-y.
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閉塞性大腸癌の治療成績に関する多施設共同後ろ向き観察研究 Nakagawa K, Ishibe A, Ohya H, Ozawa M, Suwa Y, Watanabe J, Suwa H, Den K, Mori K, Momiyama M, Goto K, Endo I:Effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for patients with obstructive colon cancer: A multicenter propensity score-matched analysis (YCOG2101).Ann Gastroenterol Surg. 2023;00:1–11.,DOI: 10.1002/ags3.12736,2023